EUROFRONT is a consortium comprising FIIAPP, IILA and IOM. Each organisation has Key Experts who specialise in the Programme’s subject matter (border management and the fight against human trafficking and smuggling) and an operational and administrative management team, as well as visibility and communication.
Programme Management
José Antonio Cambronero
Director of Component 1 EUROFRONT Programme (Comprehensive Border Management) on behalf of FIIAPP.
Commissioner of the Spanish National Police and the holder of a degree in Law, he has held various responsibilities in the General Immigration and Borders Commission, participating in joint operations with the European Agency FRONTEX. Within the framework of EUROFRONT, it is responsible for the coordination and implementation of the component, ensuring the proper application of the strategic principles that guide the Programme, ensuring harmony, coherence and quality in all work areas.
Laura Estomba
Project Manager of Component II of the EUROFRONT Programme on behalf of IOM.
Lawyer from the University of Buenos Aires specialising in public international law. She is currently a Specialist in Protection and Assistance to Vulnerable Populations at IOM Argentina. Since 2011, she has coordinated various institutional strengthening programmes with government agencies that provide assistance to vulnerable national and regional migrant populations. She has also coordinated country office projects aimed at promoting and protecting the rights of the migrant population in Argentina, voluntary return programmes, humanitarian cases and assistance in the return of victims of trafficking.
Top experts
Chiara Maria Paolucci
Principal Expert of Component I, Pillar 1 of the EUROFRONT Programme (Comprehensive Border Management) on behalf of IILA.
Examining magistrate for the Italian Republic with significant experience in the Anti-Mafia District and Antiterrorist Directorate of Genoa and in the Ministry of Justice’s International Criminal Cooperation Office. She has been a focal point for the European Judicial Network. Within the framework of the EUROFRONT Programme, she is responsible for the technical development of regulatory harmonisation activities for Integrated Border Management.
Víctor Alfredo Suárez López
Principal Expert of Component 1, Pillars 2 and 3 of the EUROFRONT Programme (Comprehensive Border Management) on behalf of FIIAPP.
Inspector of the Spanish National Police, Since 2004 he has served as head of the National Police Unit and Spanish coordinator of the Police and Customs Cooperation centre of Hendaye-Irun (CCPA). He has participated in various programmes financed by the European Commission such as El PAcCTO and the Support Programme for the G5 Sahel. Within the framework of EUROFRONT, he is responsible for the coordination and development of Pillars 2 and 3.
Fernanda Patricia Fuentes Muñoz
Coordinator of Component I, Pillar IV of the EUROFRONT Programme (Comprehensive Border Management) by IOM.
Migration Management Officer of IOM Argentina, with a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Brasilia and a Master's Degree in Gender and Cultural Studies from the University of Chile and BA in Commercial Engineering with a mention in Economics from the Diego Portales University.
Medium-term experts stationed at the border
Catia Marinangeli
Medium-term expert assigned to the Triple Frontier by IILA.
Deputy Inspector of the Italian Border Police with experience in the Judicial Police Office, in service with the Border Police at Guglielmo Marconi Airport, Bologna. Within the framework of EUROFRONT, she is in charge of collecting inputs for the analysis of the operational management of the border between the countries that share the Triple Frontier – Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay.
María de los Ángeles Paiva Riola
Medium-term expert assigned to the Desaguadero border by FIIAPP.
She is an inspector in the Spanish National Police and was part of the Judicial Police Group and the Scientific Police Group. She was Head of the Foreigner Operational Group and was part of the team involved in the design and opening of a Police and Customs Cooperation centre. She has been an expert in Schengen Evaluation on the Italian-French border. Within the framework of EUROFRONT, it is in charge of collecting inputs for the analysis of the operational management of the Desaguadero border between Peru and Bolivia.
José Luis Mateos Martín
Medium-term expert assigned to the Rumichaca border by FIIAPP.
Inspector of the Spanish National Police, he has been Head of the Immigration and Documentation Unit in the fight against cross-border crime and coordinator of the centre for Police and Customs Cooperation, developing activities in the framework of international cooperation, security, immigration and crime prevention. cross-border crime, providing support to the police units in EU countries. Within the framework of EUROFRONT, he is in charge of collecting inputs for the analysis of the operational management of the Rumichaca border between Colombia and Ecuador.
Juan Manuel del Valle Llesta
Inspector Jefe de la Policía Nacional española, actualmente es responsable de la Oficina Nacional de ETIAS-EES (proyecto Smart Borders) dentro de la Comisaría General de Extranjería y Fronteras. El Sr. Del Valle también ha desarrollado funciones como Jefe de puesto fronterizo en Tarifa y Algeciras y como responsable de las relaciones internacionales y formación internacional de la Policía Nacional española.
Project management
Juncal Baeza
Coordinator of Component 1 of the EUROFRONT Programme (Comprehensive Border Management) on behalf of FIIAPP.
Expert in International Cooperation from the perspective of Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development. She has served as coordinator and director of projects financed by the European Commission in areas such as economic development, violence prevention or social cohesion. Within the framework of EUROFRONT, she is responsible for coordinating and adapting the development of the Programme on technical, contractual and operational issues.
Claudia Gatti
Project Manager of Component I, Pillar 1 of the EUROFRONT Programme (Comprehensive Border Management) on behalf of IILA.
Expert in managing complex international cooperation programmes on issues of development, emergencies, disaster risk management, justice and security, with over 15 years of experience in Latin America and the Caribbean. PhD in Urban Policies and Sociology from the University of Rome. Within the framework of EUROFRONT, she is responsible for managing and adapting the development of the activities implemented by the IILA to technical, contractual and operational issues.
Visibility and communication
Marta García-Muñoz
Communication Coordinator of Component I of the EUROFRONT Programme (Comprehensive Border Management) by FIIAPP.
Master in Institutional and Business Communication from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Graduate in Journalism and Audio-Visual Communication from Madrid’s Carlos III University. She has worked as a communication technician for projects financed by the European Commission in the technological and cultural field and as head of public programmes on migration.
Juan Pablo Schneider
Communication Coordinator of Component II of the EUROFRONT Programme (Fight against Human Trafficking and Trafficking) on behalf of IOM.
National Communication and Media Officer at IOM Argentina. He has a degree in Social Communication from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), specialising in Strategic Communication Planning.